FCH News

#1 Tie-Downs

A Tie-Down or a Ratchet Strap is a strong woven strap used to secure a load. It is usually tightened by a ratchet device.

3 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Tie-Downs from one of our FCH Network Members
CenturyNYRatchet Straps & Tie-DownsSteelPlain1 x 60 yds strapping tape72
CenturyNYRatchet Straps & Tie-DownsSteelPlain3m 8934 strapping tape 1 x 60 yards 36/case u-line u-line27
CenturyNYRatchet Straps & Tie-DownsSteelPlain1 in x 60 yds strapping tape #893 1in x 60 clear filament tape 1 roll = 180ft6120

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